Wednesday, February 24, 2021

notes on technology- presentations

Presentation Notes

Group Two

 Printing press: Device for applying pressure to an inked surface. It first came out in 1440. The inventor was Johannes Gutenberg. By 1450, they had a printing press machine already perfected. 

VCR: is a device that uses videocassettes for recording and playing back videotapes. Sony released the first home model in 1964 which then sparked other companies to join the VCR revolution. VCR was popular until 2003 when DVD took over. 

Netflix: Founded in 1997. Easy to use and does not have commercials. One negative is that we binge-watch which is not good for our health.

Camera Phone: The first one was in 2002. Really easy to use if you are not a trained photographer. Phone cameras are very small so the flash does not look that good. 

Twitter: Founded in 2006. You can receive the latest news quickly. 

Group Three: 

Homing Pigeon: Ancient Greeks were the first ones to use them to deliver messages. some people still raise Homing pigeons today. Communication source throughout the centries. 

Cameras: Discovered the pinhole camera. After exposure was discovered, the Daguerreotypes and Calotypes were invented. Kodak and film are still popular today because they have film and they have to develop. 

Cassette Tapes: Developed in Belgium. It was popular because of how convenient and small it was to just carry around. It is very cheap and easy to record on them. They are considered vintage. 

SMS Texting: Short messaging service. The first text was sent in 1992. The Growth was very very small. By 2001, it started getting a little bit more popular. 

First iPod: Apple was very focused on getting ahead of other companies. Released in 2001. It was the start of the smartphone. 

Group 4:

Paper: In 1690 the first us papermill was created in Pennsylvania. At first, anything that anyone wrote on paper they were taxed on. Sharing info about the war through the newspaper when it became popular. 

Movies: 1939 was when color was really introduced and everybody was in awe of it. The top-grossing movies were always summer blockbusters like jaws from the 70s. 

Television: Started getting more popular in the late 20s. NBC had to sell one of their very big networks because they were getting too much power. 

World Wide Web: You would have to go from computer to computer to get different information. They eventually created a universal web that allowed you to get all info on one computer. They decided to make it free so that everyone can get to the internet for free. 

Youtube: it was originally supposed to be a dating website where you can post videos of yourself. It failed. Nobody could really find videos online of events so they decide to change it to a video platform. It quickly rose. 2007 was when you can get paid as a youtube. 

Group 5:

Headphones: They were first used by telephone operators, they started as big headphones with wires and as time went on they started getting used to music because music therapy was introduced which eventually led to headphones getting smaller and wireless. 

Facebook: It originally started as a dating website where you would rate people's faces. It got shut down pretty fast. It was made for college students but quickly spread to high school students. It eventually became where you can post pictures of your life and create a timeline, Facebook and Instagram join together. 

Group 6:

Fax machine: It started out as the electric printing telegraph in 1843, it was raining and just really copied the lines at first, fast forward to 1982- a standard fax machine cost 20,000 dollars, about a second later in 1996, the first internet fax was made. In 2010, fax apps were made through your phone.

Adam Welcome: Tech Through The Years - Visual I LikeThen vs. Now: How technology has progressed through the years

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