Friday, April 30, 2021

EOTO Terms & Concepts Blog #10 -keypost

 Terms & Concepts

        The term that I researched is disinformation. The basic definition of disinformation is false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth. Disinformation is everywhere, and we do not even realize it. We are constantly being controlled to think a certain way through the news, magazines, newspapers, and even ads that come up on Instagram and youtube.

Wash your hands often… and your newsfeed even more: disinformation in  COVID-19 times - Leiden Law Blog

    Disinformation can be used to control a whole entire country as well. It is very powerful, destructive, and is actually a common tool of espionage. Countries often have an interest in intentionally spreading fake information to their rival nations, as the Soviet Union and the United States did during the Cold War, for instance. When a country or group coordinates a complicated plan of spreading disinformation, it is often referred to as a disinformation campaign. This can also be used with Propaganda, which is information spread to make someone or something look bad or good. As a recent example, the United States State Department accused the Chinese government of supporting an online disinformation campaign that spread false information about COVID-19 and blamed the outbreak on the United States. This online disinformation campaign essentially could have gotten the entire Country of China to believe that the United States started the Covid-19 outbreak which obviously is not true at all. It is crazy to me how often disinformation is spread, and how easily it is for someone else to manipulate the way you think and your own opinions.

Ten Ways to Love part II: Speak without accusing. | Irresistibly Fish

    As dangerous as disinformation can be, journalists find themselves in a difficult position when investigating it. journalists generally don’t outright accuse them of being a liar or spreading disinformation. This is because journalists cannot usually be 100% certain of the intent behind the disinformation, and they (and all writers) can be sued for libel if they wrongfully call someone a liar. A term that is often associated with disinformation is debunking which means to expose the falseness of an idea, myth, or belief. But the era of smarter technology will be upon us soon. These fake campaigns will grow more powerful which will cause society as a whole to believe them more. With these innovations, and alongside the uptick in the general understanding of digital disinformation, They are changing how they launch their operations on the legacy social media platforms, making their people act more like bots, and their bots more like people, in efforts to confuse the algorithms built to track the inorganic spread of content.

Libel Definition | Thimble

    The spread of disinformation can affect me and you individually in a negative way. Methods to control society are all around us constantly. Social Media is a main method of disinformation. An example of this is that on Instagram posts, if the people who control Instagram see a post that explains something that is true, but they don't want the public to think that way, they can literally put a banner on it that says false information. Disinformation is stopping society as a whole from having a personal opinion. For me personally, I try not to fall into this trap. I will look at the facts on both sides and base my opinion off of that. Of course, I can not avoid disinformation, but awareness on this topic is all you need to not listen to the one opinion that they want society to believe.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Final Exam Post

The Internet

How Does the Internet Work?  

Does Your Brain Need a Boost? Get Outside |

    The internet can affect our lives in many ways. It can get people amazing careers and set them up for the rest of a wealthy lifetime, but it can also potentially ruin someone's lives and their chances of getting a job. In many jobs today, you apply to them online and it is an easy way for them to see your resume and experience, and see if you are qualified for the job. Also, it is much easier for storage, Organization, and Access to Digital Information. The bad side of being on the internet is that you can potentially make a small mistake, and be canceled for it. Therefore, all of your future employees will see it and not hire you because of it. To sum this up, the internet is both an astonishing and horrific place all in one. 

    Overall, I like the internet and I think my relationship with it is pretty healthy. However, I do think that I spend too much time online. Sometimes it is a nice day out, and I really should be outside enjoying it but instead, I get distracted by my social media and I never end up going outside like I intended. Also, when it is time to get my school work done, I always stay on my phone longer than I want to because it is easy to just forget about the work and instead let my focus be absorbed into my phone. I am recently trying to spend less time on the internet by deleting apps that I go on too much for a day or two. This keeps me from being tempted to go on it and staying on it for way too long. Obviously, not all of the internet is apps and social media, the internet can actually be a great place to learn. With the pandemic, most people have been learning online around the world and it really is not that bad. I prefer a classroom setup, however, if you think about it, even when you are in a classroom you are most likely going to use your computers which means you are online and using technology. Or another example is if you don't understand a concept that your teacher taught, you can easily look up a video explaining it online, or even if you want to know almost anything, even completely random, you can look it up on the internet and find out the answer in 10 seconds. So even though too much internet may not be great for you, there is definitely learning that comes along with it. 

    Another positive effect that the internet has is actually on friends and family in my opinion. Speaking from experience since I am about 10 hours away from my parents, I get to talk to them any time I want because I have a cell phone. I cannot imagine being away here and not being in contact with my family. When my dad went to college in the early 80s, he did not have a cell phone so during those four years, he was not as close to his family which is crazy to me. The internet also helps keep friendships alive. In today's day and age, if you have a best friend, you most likely talk to or at least Snapchat them every day. I cannot imagine being as close with my friends as I am now without the internet. It would be so weird to me to not be able to talk to them when we are not physically seeing each other. One last good thing about this is that the internet essentially keeps long-distance relations alive. You can facetime and see your significant other every single day. You can hear their voice and see their smile. The only thing that is missing is physical touch. I hear that long-distance relationships are much easier now than they used to be because you can actually talk to each other and keep each other updated on your lives. So in my opinion, the internet helps family and friends very much.

    Speaking for myself, I do not have much of an online footprint. I definitely do have one because I have social media like Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram, however, if you google my name no pictures come up. The people with the biggest online footprint are probably Social Media Influencers. They are all over the internet, you cannot avoid them at all. They are a part of many ordinary people's lives and they are looked up to by many. It is crazy to think that posting pictures and videos of themselves is their career. It is a well-paying job that actually gets them through life. So compared to them, I do not have much of an online footprint, and I would actually like to keep it that way. Essentially, from this whole blog post, I think the internet is a good thing, you just have to have boundaries and be careful in the ways you use it. It can be very distracting so you have to distance yourself from it sometimes in order fr your mental health to stay good, and you cannot post your whole life because if you slip up on one thing, you can potentially ruin your whole life. 

How to use FaceTime for group calls - The Verge

Our Internet Sensation ft. Howard Rheingold | by Suraya D. | Medium

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Blog #12 EOTO Presentations

 Online Influencers 

    I am writing about what I learned from online influencers which was in the category Mediasphere. This term I found very interesting. The reason for this is because obviously many social media influencers are loved and looked upto by others, but in reality, it seems ike they are hurting us more than helping us. Unlike conventional celebrities or paid product endorsers, influencers tend to be viewed by their followers as trusted peers. This is a big deal to advertisers, because there’s evidence that your peers — more so than strangers or celebs — can influence your interests and purchases. Even small-time influencers — those with fewer than 50,000 followers — can make hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a promotional post. And while many of them maintain a posture of “calibrated amateurism” and financial instability, much of this is orchestrated.

5 ways to spot disinformation on your social media feeds - ABC News 

   In reality, their lives aren't real. It is pretty obvious that social media is fake- from acting like you are always having a good time, to editing how you look in pictures, most people understand that isn't real. However, when all you see every second of the day is perfect people who act like they live the perfect life and get everything that they want, it is hard to be happy with your own life. We expect everything t to be perfect in our lives, but it isn't, and this can bring us down to wonder why we aren't good enough to be them. So even though influencers do motivate and help people, in reality, all they really do is create a fake life that is not possible for anybody to have.'s Social Media Influencers Actions | Truth In Advertising

     On the other hand, influencers are pressured to be perfect and act perfect online, when even they know that they are not perfect. Everybody has bad days- but they are not allowed to. If a celebrity makes a mistake that happens to every human on this earth, they will get canceled for it. If they do not come off as perfect online, they will get bullied until they fit in and look like the rest. Many influencers are not happy with their lives because they are being forced to be something they are not. So in reality, this is a toxic situation in both way, for the fans and the influencers and it seems to make both more sad than happy. 

Digital Marketing and the Rise of Social Media Influencers'%20worlds%20can,and%2C%20unfortunately%2C%20create%20anxiety.&text=Our%20mental%20state%20is%20being,something%20you%20do%20not%20need.

EOTO Terms & Concepts Blog #10 -keypost

 Terms & Concepts          The term that I researched is disinformation. The basic definition of disinformation is  false information de...